Top 10 Most Famous Paintings | MyTop10z

Top 10 most famous paintings | MyTop10z

There are millions of paintings created and displayed in galleries and museums around the world. Here is my top 10 most famous paintings.

10. Guernica – Pablo Picasso
The most famous painting by Picasso, completed in 1937. The painting was painted in Paris and is Inspired by the bombing of Guernica in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The painting is on permanent display in Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain

9. Self-Portrait Without Beard – Vincent van Gogh
Even though Van Gogh painted many portraits of himself, this one is by far the most famous as it is his last self-portrait and one of the few that depicts him without a beard. It was given by him to his mother as a birthday gift. It is also one of the most expensive paintings of all times, as it was sold for $71.5 million in 1998, and is now part of a private collection

8. Sunflowers – Vincent Van Gogh
The genius of Vincent Van Gogh is captured in this painting of 12 sunflowers. It has become one of the most recognisable of his works.

7. Girl With A Pearl Earring – Johannes Vermeer
Jan Vermeer painted this iconic portraits (somewhat reminiscent of the Mona Lisa) and is a beautiful example of the Baroque style and the use of light. The age of the girl is deceptively hard to fathom. On the one hand, the beautiful lustrous eyes suggest the innocence of childhood. On the other hand, there are touches of a girl on the threshold of womanhood. It creates a dynamic of purity, innocence and the inevitable change of growing into womanhood.

6. The Persistence Of Memory – Salvador Dali
Painted in 1931 by the Spanish artist Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory is one of the most recognizable pieces in art history. This work of art is known to make people ponder on their way of life and the way they spend their time, and it is also thought that this wonderful painting was inspired by Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

5. The Scream – Edvard Munch
A painting that symbolises the anguish and pain of modern life. It has become one of the most famous pictures of modern times. Somehow it makes me think of Freud and looking at our subconscious. It is famous, but is it good? Why look at the mud in the lily pond, when you can enjoy the lilies on top?

4. Starry Night – Vincent van Gogh
Painted by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1889, Starry Night is one of the most well known paintings in modern culture. The painting is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The painting was the inspiration for the song “Vincent” (also known as “starry starry night”) by Don McLean. McLean’s song reference the painting as well as other paintings by the famous artist.

3. The Creation Of Adam – Michelangelo
Michelangelo took four years to paint the Sistine Chapel. He chose scenes from the Old Testament. This is the moment of God creating Adam. This particular panel is just a fraction of the Sistine Chapel. To fully appreciate the scale, splendour and beauty of Michelangelo’s creation, you have to visit the Vatican.

2. The Last Supper – Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci paints one of the most famous scenes in the Bible – The Last Supper. It is after Christ has said one of the disciples will betray him. This is the ultimate soap opera – the ultimate test of man – who will we serve, God or Mammon? This is why we are fascinated by the scene, how would we have behaved at the table of Jesus Christ?

1. Mona Lisa – Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci worked on his masterpiece over a period of 20 years. He carried it with him everywhere. The enigmatic smile has captured the imagination of the world. It has been stolen twice and now resides in the Louvre, Paris. When the Mona Lisa visited America in the 1960s, it gained a prominence close to that of the then US president John F Kennedy. Why do people queue up for so many hours to catch a fleeting glimpse? Perhaps because it is very human, but at the same time offering a sensation that there is something beyond. In the world, but looking beyond. Is that not a smile of supreme satisfaction? Everyone will have a different opinion, and that is part of the attraction of the painting.


Top 10 Famous Paintings



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