24 thoughts on “Rare Leonardo masterpiece sells for record $450M”

  1. This is why us humans are a very sad species" This made me feel physically ill. Its so immoral its ammoral and those idiots cant see it. They're so blinded by modern society and the ancient myth (yes its still a myth) of this saviour called Christ that they actually are impressed by some idiot spending a gross amount of money on a bit of canvas and oil when babies are dying of starvation (beautiful kids, more beautiful that bit of rubbish) dying for want of bread and water. Christ if he did exist (and hes likely to be an amalgam of ancient near east myths) would have been appalled as would the painter. My god we're in the 21st century and still as ignorant as when it was painted. Grasping emotionally imbecilic men with more money than sense or compassion.

  2. Satanic hand gesture and fake WHITE Jesus slashing the price BY THEMSEVES to trick you that the painting has a value,
    The Caucasians know that they are at the last end times and they are desperately trying to "resent" themselves from being destroyed.
    Laughable and your time is up.


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