10 Most Absurd Paintings That Sold For MILLIONS

10 Most Absurd Paintings That Sold For MILLIONS – Most ridicules and insane abstract art that sold for millions of dollars at auctions and around the world! Yup, these are expensive pieces of “art”…

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29 thoughts on “10 Most Absurd Paintings That Sold For MILLIONS”

  1. I just paid 17 million dollars for a canvas stapled to a tree trunk and dipped in green paint. They told me it was abstract art and the latest thing in impressing your rich friends. The next day I really wished that I had my money back. I made out pretty good though. One of my good friends bought it for 30 million. Compute that.

  2. i mean i do know that one who knows color and color theory can make the most hardest and most crazy art but this is just next level of bull shit lol… dafuq just 2 colors and million? absolutely shit. and i am a design student.

  3. . . . So if I were to sell my drawings and paintings…I'd get at least 100$ if I'm lucky and this dudes just drop 2 fucking lines on a canvas..and booom…millions of dolars…it's frustrating where art is going

  4. Ok you don't like minimalism I don't like it either .Yeah some posted I'm not into . Rothko never made more then 1500 a painting in his lifetime. He didn't just come up with the idea of layering thinned out paint on top of each other one day . He was working for like 30 years or so evolving into that . Why don't you look into it ,READ about it quit looking at the money part . People pay too much for lots of things . I don't get Beyonce . I never see great dance moves just a bunch of flash cut of going back and forth but I'm not going into a whining voice with a false sense of superiority about it . I just say in a normal voice I don't get Beyonce which is fine she wouldn't get me either

  5. The money spent for these items..I will not call it "art" is nothing but a way for the rich and those who make the laws to hide money, a tax scam and a way to launder illegal money.


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