12 Most Ridiculous, Expensive Paintings Ever Sold

Some of the most weirdest paintings ever sold for millions, you won’t believe. This will blow your mind.

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12 Most Ridiculous, Expensive Paintings Ever Sold


29 thoughts on “12 Most Ridiculous, Expensive Paintings Ever Sold”

  1. when a kid is with his dad exploring where he works and out of nowhere theres a meeting of a man selling a painting super detailed that took months selling for 1000$ whilst the kid decides to grab a brush with green and make a huge circle and sells it for 1.6 million dollars

  2. I think being an abstract artist is the easiest way for success…I could have managed most of the paintings shown here without any formal training…All I need is a story line, no matter what crap I paint just need to make up a theme and sell…

  3. to anyone who can't fathom these values…go to a museum …..stand in front of a great work of art….absorb the painting,try not to make any judgment,just look…go away,come back again look….their is more to the work than just what you see,it's how it effects you…….its not easy but the best work needs no explanations and you don't need any art knowledge….. just patience and a open mind…..

  4. people are not getting the point.
    getting to sell a stupid piece of art for a million…..that's the real art.
    modern art is a sellsman undercover bussiness.

  5. Picasso would draw or sketch the same thing up to 60 times before he painted it. It became distorted and abstract down to the bare shapes that composes the subject matter. He would walk around and a crowd would follow him. One time he stood on a bridge and signed a rock and threw it in and people would actually dive in after it. These artist up to this point are selling their names rather than the art. Hence the price. I agree that some pieces are ridiculous, but if you look close, into your own interpretation, you can see these paintings in different eyes than others around you. They make you question what art is, and if you question art while looking at these pieces, then they done their jobs.

  6. tbh u have a lot of subscribers and nobody seems to comment only me😊👀😊 i will like and watch ur vids every day and tell my friends about u^_^ bye btw i should just tell my sister to paint she scribbles good Lmao jk byeee ~


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