Vincent van Gogh – The story

A unique tv documentary of the life and the works of Vincent van Gogh. For 60 minutes we are travelling with Vincent in a geographical reconstruction of his life. The documentary shows beautiful pictures of which Van Gogh has drawn his inspiration for his works. A lot of the buildings still exist. Trough modern digital techniques the current image changes into the painting that was made by Van Gogh for over 100 years ago. The documentary begins in the basement of a museum in Mons, where they keep the first professional work of Vincent and ends in Auvers sur Oisewhere Van Gogh has been buried…

Buy the dvd here:


24 thoughts on “Vincent van Gogh – The story”

  1. Wait next! “The Van Gogh Theme Park!” Cut off your ears, hear ye, hear ye! Hook up with hookers! Drink absinthe! Get into glorious fights with barmaids! Then, get equipped with a pistol each and shoot yourselves in the head! Oh, what fun!” What a load of rubbish

  2. have you ever wondered why you are attracted to vincent van gogh…in a way that you are not attracted to any other human being…dead or alive?
    can…you explain it and have you even thought about it that way?
    well…there IS something about the man unlike anyone else..isnt there?

  3. Vincent van Gogh..was in many ways an anomaly…sensitive and caring a real christian..yet he was not allowed to be that….brilliant..yet mis-understood…thought crazy..because he was overwhelmed by the pain of life….an artist though not appreciated in his time selling but a single work….an finally………………like the song says better than a million stories ever will………Vincent….."the world was never meant for anyone as beautiful as you".

  4. But,the ignorant masses ,call it mental illness..It is the rest of us ,cruel,bullying,simpleton impoverished ,uncivil peons who are truly mental…. not these pure ,sensitive souls.

  5. Vincent van Gogh, had a remarkable achievement with his drawings and thoughtful paintings. It's great to be able to know more about his humanity scope. Greetings from the Brazilian rainforest in Manaus.


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