The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline

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Was the most expensive painting ever sold at auction a fake? This award-winning documentary explores the authenticity of the Sunflowers painting by Vincent van Gogh, bought in the late 1980s for a then record sum by a Japanese insurance company.

In 2002, the painting went on public exhibition alongside an undisputedly genuine version of Sunflowers, raising once again the questions so vividly posed in this film.

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42 thoughts on “The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline”

  1. I have always believed the landscape of trees and rocks at the Huston museum is not a real Van Gogh.  If it is I would say it is his worst painting.  The colors of the ground do not meet the sophistication of a Van Gogh.  The grass foliage is too sparse to assume what it represents.

  2. One thing that isn't taken into consideration is that many paintings that van gogh did were very bad compared to his best ones. They look as they were made by a different person. So how bad a painting looks doesn't necessarily make it more fake.

  3. I love art in all mediums but they could be using the exact same arguments to say that the paintings were genuine as they are using to call them fakes.
    The beauty of art isn't what costs so much, it's the story and history of the artist and his work that people pay millions for. The rich buy paintings for three reasons. The first is to appear cultured and sophisticated if they don't appear that way already. The second is to flaunt wealth, and one of the best ways to do that is by dropping millions on your own private art gallery. The third reason they spend so much money on art is because it's one of the best ways to move the money you spent on it. Who is gonna say the painting you spent a couple million on isn't worth that? They might has well slapped you on the face with a riding glove and challenge you to a duel.

  4. I agree with the closing statement. I think Van Gogh would be appalled at the prices and crass commercialism attached to his work. Original pieces of art should belong to everyone – not kept in some vault or privately owned as some sort of investment and kept from the public, unless the artist did the work for a specific person. Then, after the death of that person, either the family should have the work or it should be publicly displayed. The millions upon millions of dollars spent on art is obscene.

  5. This shows the real problem with the art world. As Shakespeare so rightly said "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". If you love the painting and it gives you great joy then whether it is by Van Gogh or mrs miggins should be utterly irrelevant. As should the cost. However painting costs are judged on whether they are by a handful of artists deemed to be collectable ( mainly by critics and dealers ) and not by the quality of them. Anyone doubting this go and put a sheep in formaldahide and try to sell it.

  6. He cut off his ear not the lobe of his ear, this was medically recorded at the time and the proof can be found in a letter by the doctor that attended to him, which can be found in the Van Gogh Museum.

  7. The yellow has faded, what a sad picture. The flowers were originally bright yellow.

    The highest price! But the picture isn't even really good. The yellow has faded terribly and van Gogh could be much better. And the background … sigh. Could these buyers really not see for themselves?

    Gee I get emotional when I hear that it was Johanna, Theo's widow, who inherited all paintings and letters and transcribed them and created the fame of Vincent. Well done, widow!!! ❤

  8. It is most certainly a painting of a Van Gogh… Vincent is there in either respect. If I Pronounce your statement, it is your statement I pronounce…is it a Van Gogh painting…of course not…but it is like a Van Gogh.

  9. If the people that are on this special counsel and it's all by their for their own treasonous ground after they get all of this straightened out can,can they be put on trial for treason and will they lose their benefits and can they be kicked out of Congress and benefits trip from them. Will somebody answer my question please. 😚

  10. The examples of Schuffenecker 's work in the video seemed to be more skillfully done than the Yasuda Sunflower painting to me. Maybe the Yasuda sunflowers is a fake but Schuffenecker wasn't the artist?


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