By the way, Truth behind Vincent Van Gogh's Ear | Vincent Van Gogh

Hi guys, it’s a sappy sad story that I’m about to tell. When I read and heard about Van Gogh’s story, I thought it was worth sharing. Vincent Van Gogh’s art style is definitely strange and hard to appreciate, but the story of his ear and the meaning it entails is both amazing and beautiful.

Many people thought Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear to give to a prostitute, but new archeological investigation showed that it was given to a maid that worked at brothel named Gabrielle (Rachael was apparently a nickname). I personally dislike it when people take a random point about a person and judge everything about them – I believe Vincent Van Gogh is a victim of this type of judgment. Although he is not a regular man, he wasn’t a type to harm himself without reason. He was not a lunatic that cut off his ear for a prostitute, he was a man that cut off his ear because he was hyper-empathetic towards the woman he loved.

Ah, I’m sort of cringing by this video since it’s too sappy and… blaggh! Never again
Apparently Vincent Van Gogh was in Doctor Who show where he got to see the art in the museum… That was awesome. Another movie came out about Vincent, which was spectacular as well

Dan Plan ♪ ~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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Starry night:
Starry Starry Night:
About Bernadette Murphy:
About Van Gogh’s Ear:
David Wood (who told this story way better than me):


25 thoughts on “By the way, Truth behind Vincent Van Gogh's Ear | Vincent Van Gogh”

  1. Ok I think here's the real reason- Van Gyoh didn't cut his ear off for the girl well he did- but that's half the reason why he did it.
    You won't believe me but he cut his ear because the paints back then weren't as edible and Van Gyoh was poor so he had to make pointy tips with his mouth The water back then Wasn't as edible and they were some paint still on that brush he kept licking. You know how I said The paints wer not edible. Yea because it's either he got mental illness or he was just having depression

    So like I don't thinks what I said was true-

  2. I too discribe myself in the lyrics of songs I write for my friends band and in the poems I write as my class homework or just for killing time time its still tho no matter what happens no one, not the teacher, not my friends not even my sister gets what they actually mean they will just say things like "oh its great!" or "ur really good at it!" but….did they even understand what I have wrote? I tried discribing myself through drawing not painting just simple doodles but its no use….no one understands no one will EVER understand for sure

  3. Idk why but I started shivering after hearing is story and I still am its an old Danplan video But…..even after watching it more then 5 times I still love it…. It tells how a man no…..a person feels in their heart but can not express it it shows the emotion for the other person one can feel it shows about a person who knew how to express his feeling but the public never got it

  4. I like this version of the story much better, people usually rub of people with a mental illness as "crazy" but they simply see the world from a different angle, distorted sometimes it may be. Sometimes this leads to inexplicably strange action but they aren't out of the craziness, they're often what the person thinks is what should be done. Not saying this is all cases but in many cases. But hey, that's simply an opinion.

  5. This is just the most heartbreaking story I’ve ever heard. And it just gets sadder the more times I watch it. If people just could show such passionate compassion today. And if it just could be considered normal and good to feel compassion about each other. I always got to hear in school how insane he was. But it’s just us people who are insane to not see his love. </3

  6. Wait wait isn’t Vincent Van Gogh gay…….wait wait

    Didn’t he get press charges for having a male prostitute, also he never got married, and he also hated sexual intercourse?!……..well shit

  7. This restores my humanity because I have a friend who is disabled and she needs to wear special bracers on her legs so I wore really long socks and then wrapped them in paper so I could see what she was feeling from then on my friend has never been stared at again

  8. This is one story my teacher told me, but there’s another story that another teacher told me.

    Vincent Van Gogh had this friend that would actually accept him. He wasn’t liked in his town so having friends would be pretty hard. I think she told me that they fought or something and he wanted him to forgive him. So, he cut off his ear as an apology with a letter. He gave it to a women he knew to give it to him, but it never made it to his friend.

  9. My art teacher told me that

    He used paint on his hands so all his painting are hand painted
    And the paint had led which can mess with your brain

    So when his brain became so messed up, he cut his ear off.
    This is based by what I know
    I might be wrong
    I might be right.


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