11 thoughts on “Underneath Cowl: The Science of Van Gogh's Bedrooms”

  1. Thank you for the movie, very interesting for the study of vintage pigments and brush strokes. The particulars that escape the eye in the x-rays are an important basis for verifying the authenticity of the work.

  2. The flaking problem was described by Vincent himself in one of his letters to his brother Theo. These paintings that were left on the walls at the yellow house when it was locked up December 24th the day before Christmas in 1888 was the primary cause of this happening. On his first return visit to the yellow house when he had the locks remove by the police when his friend and artist Bonnard was with him, he explained the whole reasoning of the flaking problem, if those supposed art experts care to read his letters. These people should become brewers,… they would receive and have more respect for their hard and time consuming work.

  3. Good thing for his letters explaining the different versions otherwise different versions with different techniques you'd think different artists eg fakes like the controversy with Van Gogh's sunflower paintings.

  4. Fascinating – my question is – how do we now discover Van Gogh's heart? And how does it apply to our own right now in this moment? The actual passion to translate the light and energy he felt into the painting itself?

    The life of an artist is a wonder when we are alive. Look how much effort and how many people's lives have been affected in questioning the HOW TO's – yet we can discover our humanity in each moment from these colours, their soul message and our collective soul growth as we feel the colours inside us.

    Enjoy the art and support LIVING ARTISTS in your life.
    Darinka Blagaj.


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