Van Gogh Immersive Artwork Exhibition Toronto

Van Gogh Immersive Art Exhibition Toronto

Now in Toronto until November within the historic area that housed the Toronto Star’s printing presses at 1 Yonge Avenue — reworking the commercial into the magical. 600,000 cubic ft of projection animating the Van Gogh’s oeuvre. Large projections that spotlight brushstroke, element, and color as you may have by no means skilled them. This … Read more

Rollerblading Portray Van Gogh portrait

Rollerblading Painting Van Gogh portrait

On September 28th, 2019 at Road Artwork Metropolis Alex Beretta painted a 6 squared meters portrait based mostly on Van Gogh self portrait utilizing solely his skates. A efficiency that lasted 6 hours. Video credit score: Road Artwork Metropolis. Artist profiles: Alexandre Beretta @beretta.alex.artwork & @beretta.irl.sk8 (FB and Instagram). source