Van Gogh Village: The Household That Painted 100,000 Masterpieces (China Documentary) | Actual Tales

Van Gogh Village: The Family That Painted 100,000 Masterpieces (China Documentary) | Real Stories

In Shenzhen, China, copying Van Gogh and different Western artists is a day and evening job. Copies made by artists within the village of Dafen are bought world wide. An intimate portrait of peasant-turned oil painters transitioning from merely making copies of iconic Western work to creating their very own genuine artworks, emblematic of the … Read more

The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline

The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline

Check out our new website for more incredible history documentaries: HD and ad-free. Was the most expensive painting ever sold at auction a fake? This award-winning documentary explores the authenticity of the Sunflowers painting by Vincent van Gogh, bought in the late 1980s for a then record sum by a Japanese insurance company. In … Read more

Art With Mati & Dada – VanGogh | Kids Animated Short Stories in English

Art With Mati & Dada  – VanGogh | Kids Animated Short Stories in English

Subscribe to Art With Mati & Dada’s here: Mati and Dada discovers how VanGogh was an excellent painter and learns about his famous paintings such as Cafe Terrance at Night and The Olive Trees. Art with Mati and Dada is an animated series for kids from five to eight years old, co-produced by the … Read more